No help for Boston, 1 of worst cities for cycling

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In spite of Boston being judged one of the worst cities for cyclists by Bicycling magazine this year, legislation that would offer relief to bicyclists appears to be going nowhere at the state capitol.

The Bicyclists' Bill of Rights and Responsibilities has been bottled up in Massachusetts for six years. The bill would give the bicycling public the same legal rights to the road and responsibilities as motorists.

The Boston Globe reports (registration) that many legislators don't taking cycling seriously. It's doubtful the law will pass in 2006. Said bill sponsor Anne M. Paulsen:

''They think of it as a child's issue, or for kids, or for recreation. There's not a willingness to view bicycling issues as serious issues.”

Not only would the bill allow cops to ticket cyclists for going through red lights or riding without lights at night, it also would fine drivers $100 for opening car doors in front of bicycle riders and require “share the road” signs be posted across the state.

Bicycling magazine named Boston one of the three worst cities for cycling, along with Houston and Atlanta. It cited lack of bicycling facilities — such as bike lanes and bike racks — and the sacking of the cities bicycle program manager due to budget cuts.

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