Bus vs. bike II

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Does two make a trend? I certainly hope not.

Following the January story about a Portland bus driver who let a passenger off his bus to sucker-punch a bicyclist comes story from California that a bus driver intentionally ran a cyclist off the road, injuring the rider and crushing the bike.

The Marin Independent Journal reports that a driver for Golden Gate Transit kept pace with the bicyclist on Magnolia Avenue in Larkspur and tried to crowd him into the cars.

“He actually slowed down and waited for the bicycle so he could crowd him off the road,” police said.

When the bus took the turn at Ward Street, it cut the bicycle off and struck it, sending Mosher (Christopher Mosher, the cyclist) to the ground and grinding the Trek bicycle under the bus tires.

Mosher, who suffered some road rash, said he did rap on the bus as a warning when it initially passed too close to him. Several people called 911 as the bus driver stood yelling at the cyclist after the accident.

The transit driver, James Pease, 60, of San Anselmo, has been charged with assault with a deadly weapon and vandalism, both felonies that could involve jail time, and reckless driving causing bodily injury.

(Update: The driver resigned as of Tuesday, reports SF's CBS affiliate.)

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2006/02/28/bus-vs-bike-ii/

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