Bicycle quotes: The Lance Armstrong – Sheryl Crow split

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It's no shock that people feel very strongly about Lance Armstrong — as an elite cyclist, a cancer survivor, a motivator, a celebrity, a father, a Texan.

News of his breakup with fiance Sheryl Crow brought out a flood of reaction from columnists and bloggers. Here are a few quotes from the weekend that I found particularly mean, weird or funny:

“Lance Armstrong has unsurprisingly split from the jaundiced star girlfriend. It was sad, originally, that he would choose to trade the blaze yellow lead of achievement for the campy dullard stark of wife abandonment and a shack-up honey.”

Renew America: “Another god, another mountaintop”

“The textbooks would say that Lance as a Virgo and Sheryl as an Aquarius are incompatible, yet they had some strong attractive qualities between them. Each one's Mars conjuncts the other, showing strong sexual chemistry and compatibility. Each one's Saturn makes a harmonious aspect (trine) to that of the other, showing that they felt a strong commitment (Saturn) to each other and a desire to formalize (Saturn) their relationship. However, the difficulties were evident: Lance's strong Virgo need to continue to focus on his work in order to achieve the famous Virgo perfection could not accommodate Sheryl's need to continually reinvent her life (Aquarius/Uranus) and break free of the routine that Virgo craves.”

Astrological musings: “Sheryl and Lance call it quits

“anyway, on to the totally unnecessary stuff. did you hear sheryl crow and lance armstrong broke up? i know, i really don't care either. however, look at the picture that goes along with this article. holy s**t, she looks awful! and not just bad hair day awful, but like eating disorder awful! what happened there? and why have i heard nothing about the fact that sheryl crow suddenly resembles a drowned cat?”

a cat and twenty: “this is totally unnecessary”

If my maniacal laughter makes me seem inappropriately happy…well, so be it.
This is what happens when you leave your wife and three children to be with a hack musician who butchered “Sweet Child O' Mine.”

Radioactive Quill: “Lance Armstrong & Sheryl Crow Split”

“But the news that Sheryl Crow and Lance Armstrong broke up kind of interested me. One reason is that Lance is such an icon here in Texas and the other reason is that Sheryl is … well, she is just so fine … With that in mind, I recall Sheryl's song “A Change Would Do You Good.” It's certainly peppy, sort of biting and its premise is right in a lot of respects when a change might do you good.”

Eight Feet Deep: “Old Sayings Retirement Home No. 16”

And just a couple of blogger headlines regarding the split:

Deeper Shade of Seoul: “This is the happiest day of my life”

Skinner Central: “Lance & Sheryl split .. : (“

Related articles: Break up or hitch up for Lance and Sheryl, Jan. 11, 2006; Former Mrs. Lance Armstrong running, not bicycling, Nov. 9, 2006 ..

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