Help wanted: Bike advocates

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Can you turn your enthusiasm for cycling into a career in bicycle advocacy? It's time to find out.

Thanks in part to the $286 billion transporation bill approved last year by Congress, several positions for bike advocates have become available — one with a national bike group and two others in cities that won the $25 million pilot program windfall.

For starters, the League of American Bicyclists is seeking an advocacy director to manage activities like the National Bike Summit, the Bicycle Friendly Communities program, state and federal legislative initiatives and to protect the rights of cyclists nationwide. The position is based in DC, salary commensurate with experience. For details, contact Marthea Wilson at 202-822-1333 or email at

Minneapolis-St. Paul, one of the four recipients of a $25 million federal pilot program grant, is seeking a Walking and Bicycling Program Manager for Transit for Livable Communities (TLC). The nonprofit is seeking an individual with at least six years experience in program management to help design, budget, and implement a pilot program to encourage walking and bicycling in the Twin Cities.

An Advocacy Outreach Coordinator is being sought for the Marin County Bicycle Coalition. The California community was another recipient of a $25 million federal grant to create a pilot program for walking and biking. The part-time position involves grassroots organizing, develop a database of planned capital improvement projects, and administrative and project support.

(The Marin Independent Journal reports how the Marin County Bicycle Coalition has gained so much influence nationwide.)

Don't have the qualifications? Join your local bike club and do some volunteer work for a couple of years. You'll help the club and give yourself some good experience in learning what program management and community outreach is all about.


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