Bus passenger assaults cyclist in Portland on film

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A Portland bike activist is suing the city's public transit agency in an assault case that was caught on film by the bus's cameras.

The BikePortland.org website is covering the case in which bike advocate and city employee Randy Albright claims a TriMet bus nearly struck him as it passed.

Angered, Albright caught up with the bus, pulled up in front of it, and started yelling at the driver. A passenger got off the bus, hit Albright and knocked him down. Then the bus driver let the passenger back on the bus and proceeded on its route.

Albright has filed a lawsuit for $48,000 because the driver didn't operate the bus safely, allowed the assailant off and back on the bus, witnessed but failed to report a crime, etc.

Now KATU News is reporting that TriMet and Portland police are trying to identify the man who got off the bus to assault Albright. Since the incident, the bus driver has died in a boating accident.

The piece by BikePortland's blogger Jonathan Maus sparked more than 50 comments at his website. The incident also stirred the pot at the OregonLive.com forum. It's a real eye-opener to read what many motorists and pedestrians think about bicyclists.

Picture from BikePortland.org;


Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2006/01/18/bus-passenger-assaults-cyclist-in-portland-on-film/

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