Lexus vs. bicycle hit-and-run on my side of town

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I've become a little jaded by the constant reports of hit-and-run accidents against bicyclists in my news searches; but it's startling to read one from my end of town.

Cyclist Ed Schmidt was riding his bicycle up the steep climb on the Forest Drive bike lane in Bellevue at 5:12 Tuesday evening when he was struck from behind by a car.

“I didn't hear anything on this one. This was just hit, wake up laying on the ground,” Schmidt told a local TV station. He suffered a broken collarbone, concussion and cuts and bruises.

A witness decided to stop and render aid, instead of following the motorist who struck Schmidt. One of the first people on the scene was Lisa Schmidt, Ed's wife.

Bellevue police are looking for a 1998 to 2000 Lexus GS 300 or GS 400 sedan, KOMO TV reports. The passenger side mirror broke off at the scene, so police know the car's color: Imperial Jade Mica.

The King County Journal quotes Schmidt:

“I don't understand why anyone would do that. It's illogical and immoral to leave someone hurt. I would never hesitate to help someone.”

Schmidt commutes some 26 miles round-trip to Seattle. He wears a bright green jacket with reflectors and has mounted lights and reflectors on his bike and backpack.

Anyone with information about the hit-and-run can call Bellevue Police at (425) 452-4596.

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