10 ideas for putting the “bike” back in Christmas

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The About.com website recently listed its top 10 gift ideas for Christmas. I can't say that I agree with most of them, so I'll offer some better suggestions.

1. “Zinn & the Art of Road Bike Maintenance”
“I'd say a better choice is “Anybody's Bike Book” by the late Tom Cuthbertson; anyone who suggests going for a beer during a particularly hairy mechanical operation speaks to me.

2. “Breaking Away”
Can't beat it. My eyes get moist just thinking about the Cutters taking on those college punks. But since everyone's seen it, try giving tickets to Wired to Win, Surviving the Tour de France. It's an IMAX movie that tells about brain science through the experiences of cyclists in the Tour. It opens Dec. 26 at the Eames Theater (not the comfortable one) at the Pacific Science Center in Seattle (Hey Toots, if you need the phone number for reservations, ask me. Anyway, I still have Breaking Away on VHS.).

3. Terry Saddles
Don't buy a saddle for someone else. How do you know whether it will fit right? A better idea is a gift certificate to a favorite local bike shop (like Gregg's at the corner of 106th and Main).

4. Rollers
Only for people who are on home detention with an electronic ankle cuff. Buy them warm clothes, fenders, booties, anything so they can ride outside. Inside is boring.

5. “The Quotable Cyclist”
Good book, I've read it in the stacks at Borders. Save yourself some money and tell them about Bicycle Quotes at Biking Bis (shameless plug).

6. Polar M52 Heart Rate Monitor
Any old heart monitor is fine, if you need like that kind of thing. Mine had an alarm every time I went above or below my training zone… it seemed like it was going off all the time.

7. Shimano Ultegra components
Good idea; include a manual or gift card to the local bike shop for proper installation.

8. “It's Not about the Bike”
Everybody's already read this book. Buy them a membership to the local bike club instead. If you live in the Northwest but don't know the local bike club, check the list at right “Pacific NW Bike Clubs” (Hey Sweetie, that's Cascade Bicycle Club for us).

9. Water Bottles
Cheap. Cheap. Cheap. If  you don't have a lot of dough, check out the Vive le Tour “7” T-shirt on sale at Biking Bis (another shameless plug).

10.“Nutrition for Endurance”
A book about eating. How's this: “Eat before you get hungry; drink before you get thirsty.” If you need to know more, then buy the book. Otherwise, how about buying the book's weight in Clif Bars or Powerbars, which, by the way, make ideal stocking stuffers.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2005/12/05/10-ideas-for-putting-the-bike-back-in-christmas/

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