Afternoon cycling: Good ride, bad ride

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It was a rare sunny day in the Pacific Northwest last Friday when I jumped on my bike for a one-hour spin out one of my favorite semi-rural roads.

Good ride: Head down, facing a head wind, I catch some quick movement off to my right along Coal Creek Parkway. I'm surprised by a 3-point buck standing not 5 feet away on the other side of the guardrail. He jumps away as I pass.

Bad ride:  Less than a mile later after turning onto May Valley Road, I see the slightly bloating carcass of another 3-point deer laying by the side of the road. Probably struck by a car overnight.

Good ride: Just as I slow to turn around, I hear a screech overhead and a huge redtail hawk takes off from a bare tree limb. The whole branch shakes as he springs off, and he gives a couple of more calls as he soars out over the pasture.

Bad ride: Cycling between a guardrail and a hill, an oncoming stationwagon blows a slight tap on the horn. I smile and wave a greeting; the guy behind the wheel flips me the bird.

I return home with about 15 miles behind me and a couple of stories to tell.


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