You want Interbike bike expo pictures?

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You've got Interbike bike expo pictures.

Of course there was a lot more to the Interbike Expo bicycle show in Las Vegas than booth babes (right). I've been surfing around, especially at, and found some well-shot bicycle images from the trade show.

I've uploaded the Interbike pictures to a photo album and supplied more information about the bikes and equipment pictured, such as specs and links to the company websites.

The week-long show, which ended Friday, is an international event. There are show pictures of Kent, Washington-based Redline bikes, Italy's Bianchi, Taiwan's KHS, France's Corima among others.

I was happy to see Ibis, left, making a return to the bicycling world. After a successful 20-year run, the company was sold in 2000 and filed chapter 11 in 2002. Founded Scot Nicol and partners resurrected it in time for Interbike. Nicol talks about Ibis on the company blog.

Quite a few single-speeds are pictured, along with urban commuter bikes.


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