Heras wins stage and leader's jersey in Vuelta a Espana

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Three-time Vuelta a Espana winner Roberto Heras, left, won the mountaintop finish on Thursday and gained the leader's gold jersey in Spain's Grand Tour bicycle race.

A couple of steep climbs on the 134-mile course from Cuenca to Valdelinares completely rearranged the general classification standings for the cyclists as the climbers took over from the sprinters.

Danish cyclist Jakob Piil (Team CSC) joined a breakaway about 30 miles into the stage and survived in front until the final two miles when he was finally caught.

Heras went to the front of the group chasing Piil on the final climb with teammates Joseba Beloki, Marcos Serrano, and Michele Scarponi. Eventually, they wore down such rivals as gold jersey wearer Brad McGee, David Rodriguez, Francisco Mancebo, Denis Menchov, and Carlos Sastre.

The finish described in CyclingNews live report is pure US Postal/Discovery tactics, in which Lance Armstrong would be supported by strong climbers that tear apart the peloton before he finally attacks on his own. That's no surprise, as Heras rode with Armstrong in several Tours de France and supplied the climbing muscle for him.

As for the handful of US riders in the Vuelta, Phonak cyclist Floyd Landis abandoned. He started the day 9-minutes 33-seconds behind the leader, in 92nd place.

Tom Danielson (Discovery Channel) arrived at the finish line in 17 place and is now 11th overall. Christian Vandevelde (Team CSC) is in 23rd.

See CyclingNews for full results.


Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2005/09/01/heras-wins-stage-and-leaders-jersey-in-vuelta-a-espana/

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