Good day to be a bicyclist in Pacific Northwest

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Although I'm often the first to complain about the weather, I'll have to admit this was a good day to be a bicycle rider in the Pacific Northwest.

I came upon more than the usual number of cyclists enjoying the sunny skies and temperatures in the mid to upper 60s.

The main conversation was the “great weather” and how we better enjoy it while we can [see the 10-day forecast].

The salmon are supposed to be running, so I pulled off the Cedar River Rail Trail at the Belmondo Reach Natural Area between Renton and Maple Valley. I left my bike on this sandbar and hiked along the river back watching and listening for sounds of salmon.

The water is running hard and deep here, so I couldn't see any swimming upstream. I did hear a couple of big splashes, which I assume were salmon flopping around. Also, there was the unmistakable odor of death in the air from salmon that had spawned and died upriver.

If you're interested in learning more about the salmon runs, volunteer naturalists will be hosting walks along the Cedar River from several locations the next two weekends. Check the link for more info about the salmon naturalist walks.

Finishing up a quick snack, I jumped back on the bike and pedaled home, glad I was able to find a place that seemed far from all the hustle and bustle.

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