Clear skies for 200-mile Seattle to Portland (STP) bike ride

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Some 10,000 cyclists of all ages and sizes took off under sunny skies for the 32nd Seattle to Portland Bicycle Classic on Saturday.

It's only fitting these cyclists were blessed with good weather after so many trained for this day through spring weather that's been wetter and colder than normal.

Last year the oldest cyclist was 87 and the youngest was 1 year, 22 months. Although the official stats for 2011 haven't been posted, I'm betting that Coal, at left, might be the only dog making the trip.

His owners, first-time STPers, built a comfy, carpeted platform for him inside the Burley trailer, but Coal didn't like being cooped up. He left Seward Park on foot. I hope he chooses to hop in for ride long before Centralia.

Coal's owners are doing the ride in two days, although about a quarter of the STP riders will finish the 200 miles in one-day.


The bike tour sponsored by the Cascade Bicycle Club started in 1979 as a race between the Seattle and Portland city halls. It was canceled the following year due to the eruption of Mount St. Helens, and returned in 1981 as a recreation bicycle tour.

The winner of first and only race, Jerry Baker of North Seattle, is the only cyclist to have participated in all 32 rides. He's 69 now and does the ride in two days. Another veteran of that first ride, Paul Wantzelius, 61, died of a heart attack last year while on a bike tour in British Columbia. He also had ridden every STP.

I've done STP three times and enjoyed heading out on my bike on Saturday morning to get some photos. I talked with a passerby along Lake Washington who said there had been a steady stream of bicyclists past her house for two hours. The flow didn't appear like it was going to abate anytime soon.

“Sold out”

When I rode my first STP in 2001, I signed up late and the ride did not reach capacity. Those days are over. Organizers have hung out the “sold out” sign at the past 7 STPs, and it reached its 10,000 cap on its earliest date even this year, March 21.

With the joy and camaraderie of riding with so many other cyclists, it's no surprise that the ride sells out every year. Let's hope it's a safe ride for everyone.

Refresh the page to see more pictures at left, or click on one to visit the STP 2011 set at

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