Trucker trades big rig steering wheel for bicycle handlebars

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A long-haul truck driver is seeing the road from a different perspective this spring as part of a two-man cross-country bicycle ride to raise funds for an Indiana-based land trust.

Calling their ride “Pedaling for Preserves,” the pair are heading into eastern Texas now on their 3,100-mile bike tour from San Diego to St. Augustine. At left they're taking a shady break in arid west Texas.

Trucker Kevin Gray and ACRES Land Trust director Jason Kissell are following the Southern Tier Bicycle Route, published by Adventure Cycling Association. That's the route taken by at least two other tours I've written about this spring, a group of seniors riding for childhood cancer and a father riding to honor his son killed by a texting motorist.

The “Pedaling for Preserves” bike tour is a fund-raiser for ACRES, which was founded in 1960 to preserve natural areas of Indiana and educate residents about their value.

Daily miles

Kissell is riding a Trek road bicycle, while Gray is using his vintage 1987 Panasonic. They're accompanied by Kissell's dad in a camper, which provides a place for them to eat and sleep.

Kissell writes at their “Pedaling for Preserves” blog that they set off about 8 in the morning, take breaks during the day, and finish up at 5 or 6 in the evening. At this pace, they've already knocked out 1,700 miles so far. With occasional rest and recuperation days, they're averaging about 74 miles a day.

Before setting off, Gray told the Fort Wayne (Ind.) News-Sentinel that this year marked his 25th year on the road as a truck driver:

“Driving 1 to 2 million miles in trucks around this country has been big and beautiful. But if you get the chance to see it at 15 to 25 mph, you see it in an entirely different way. It's much more satisfying.”

In the blog, Kissell remarks on the changing landscapes, which are becoming more “southern” and less “western” as they progress across Texas. 

You can pledge to their cause at ACRES website. Also check out their Pedaling for Preserves blog or the Pedaling for Preserves Facebook page.

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