Dozens of Bike to Work Day stations ready for morning commute

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Dozens of commute stations will open from 6 to 9 a.m. Friday in the Puget Sound region to support cyclists pedaling to work for Bike to Work Day.

Find bike commute stations at

Find bike commute stations at

This is where commuters will find free water bottles, snacks, maps, bike mechanics and more stuff to support and reward them for leaving their cars at home on Friday.

The bike commute station at the Bellevue Transit Center (108th Ave. and 6th St.) will even sport a photo booth where bike commuters can take their photos and post of social media.

Although the bike stations won’t be open for the afternoon bike commute, the Cascade Bicycle Club is presenting a Bike to Work Day After Party from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Velo Bike Shop and ViaBike at Sixth and Blanchard in downtown Seattle.

Cities and towns in the Puget Sound Region aren’t the only ones hosting events on Friday. Check the Bike Month Challenge list at Washington Bikes for other communities around the state.

Further, a list of Seattle events for National Bike Month is available at the Cascade website.

Bike to Work at Bellevue Transit Center 2014

Bike to Work at Bellevue Transit Center 2014

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