Capturing evidence of Seahawks support by bike

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Less than 48 hours after the Seattle Seahawks won the Super Bowl, I came across plenty of evidence of how much the “12th-Man” fan base supports its team.

Signs welcomed home Seattle Seahawks.

Signs welcomed home Seattle Seahawks.

I passed the Seahawks training facility in Renton while riding on the Lake Washington bicycle route this afternoon and could see where fans gathered to welcome home their team on Monday.

The “Welcome to Renton” sign about a half-mile away already sports the Super Bowl XLVIII championship placard. Streamers and signs from the gathering the previous day were left behind.

 Seahawks spotting on Tuesday at training facility

Seahawks spotting on Tuesday at training facility

Meanwhile, next to the parking lot at the Virginia Mason Athletic Center where the Seahawks train, a small gathering of the faithful lined up behind a fence to catch glimpses of their football heroes coming and going.

Where are the bicyclists?

The City of Seattle gleaned some more evidence of support for the home team from a bicycle trip counter of all things.

Super Bowl Bike Traffic.xlsxA graph posted at its blog asks, “Hey, where did everybody go?”

The chart shows normal, if not more, traffic at the Fremont bridge counter in the hours before the game. During the Super Bowl, bike traffic dropped off precipitously.

Noting that the Seahawks victory parade is on Wednesday, the Seattle Bike Blog recommends riding your bicycle to the parade route.

Weekday car parking is non-existent downtown, and the buses are sure to be packed. See Tom Fucoloro’s suggestions on getting to the parade at “A lot of you biked to a Super Bowl party.”

Here are the details about the 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Wednesday victory parade along Fourth Street to the Century Link Field.

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