Lots of support for Friday’s Bike to Work Day

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If you plan to Bike to Work on Friday, you’ll likely find a lot of encouragement at morning commute stations set up throughout the Puget Sound region.

Other regions also actively support Bike to Work Day. You can find local bicycle advocacy groups in your area that might have information on National Bike Month local events at the League of American Bicyclists website.

Here’s a map created by Cascade Bicycle Club of 43 commute stations set up throughout Seattle and its suburbs where bicyclists can pick up water, snacks, maps, and free bike-related swag.

Many bike commute stations are hosted by local bicycle shops, and a wrench will be on hand with a bike repair stand to do some quick adjustments or repairs to your ride.

Alas, the bike stations are only open in the mornings. You’ll have to fend for yourself on the way home.

However, if you work downtown, you can stop in for a reception at Velo Bike Shop at Sixth and Blanchard, and the associated ViaBike bike commuter club and ViaBike6 apartments. A DJ will spin tunes and food will be provided by Tom Douglas Restaurants (while supplies last). The party runs from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m,

Meanwhile, more than 300 Starbucks in the Seattle area will offer one free 12-ounce coffee (tall) to anyone who walks in the door with a bike helmet or other obvious bike gear on Friday. Find the list of the participating Starbucks locations.

When you get home from work on Friday and realize how good you feel after bike commuting to and from work, you can plan to do it on a regular basis the rest of the year.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2013/05/16/lots-of-support-for-fridays-bike-to-work-day/


    • Allie on April 23, 2014 at 7:45 am
    • Reply

    Join over 10,000 area commuters for Bike to Work Day 2014 on Friday May 16, a celebration of bicycling as a clean, fun, and healthy way to get to work. Attend one of 79 pit stops throughout D.C., Maryland, and Virginia to receive refreshments, and be entered into a raffle for bicycles being given away. Free T-shirts available at pit stops to the first 14,000 who register and attend. Register today at http://www.biketoworkmetrodc.org/

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