2012 STP cyclists roll out of Seattle for Portland

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2012 STP

There are 10,000 fewer bicyclists on the streets of Seattle today; they all left this morning for Portland.

They’re celebrating their love of the bicycle and self-propelled motion by participating in the 33rd annual Seattle to Portland Bicycle Classic, the most awesome bicycle spectacle in the Northwest.

Those who aren’t doing the 202.5-mile ride to Portland in one-day are doing it in two. Remembering how long it took me to do my first century, it’s amazing to think that so many people are doing back-to-back centuries.

I’m not riding it this year, but I rode over to Lake Washington Boulevard where I took these shots of the cyclists leaving town.

2012 STP: #1 and #2

I never really thought about it, but of the more than 10,000 bib numbers, there has to be a #1 and #2. Well, that’s them above.

They’re a father daughter riding duo — Jeff and Jenny Almgren. Jeff is a super longtime member of Cascade, and the family led group rides for years. Jenny worked for Cascade through Americorps last year, now she’s a youth program coordinator.

Here are some other miscellaneous shots. I was mainly shooting cyclists who left around 7 this morning. Notice how many kids are making the ride.

STP 2012: Warning for that first hill

STP 2012

STP 2012: 2 modes of self-propelled locomotion

STP 2012

STP 2012

STP 2012

See a few more photos at ebis50 at Flickr.com

By the way, not all the cyclists are leaving town. Redmond’s 72nd annual Derby Days are this weekend, featuring bicycle racing on Saturday and Sunday.

Also, Bicycle Sundays is scheduled for tomorrow on Lake Washington Boulevard, the same road that was STP’s route out of town on Saturday.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2012/07/14/2012-stp-cyclists-roll-out-of-seattle-for-portland/

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  1. […] is the original post: 2012 STP cyclists roll out of Seattle for Portland » Biking Bis This entry was posted in Blog Search and tagged annual, awesome, bicycle, celebrating, classic, […]

  2. […] (Update: July 14, 2012 — See photos from 2012 STP.) […]

  3. […] Seattle to Portland ride. About 10,000 people departed Saturday morning for the 202-mile trek. Biking Bis was on Lake Washington Boulevard in the morning and got some good photos of people in the first miles of their […]

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