Seattle to Portland (STP) registration reopens on Monday

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Don’t be left out this year. The Cascade Bicycle Club is reopening online registration for the Seattle to Portland Bicycle Classic at 12:01 a.m. (that’s one minute after midnight) on Monday.

The popular 200-mile bike ride from Seattle to Portland sold out on Feb. 21 this year when the last of 10,000 registrations were snatched up.

Enough of those early birds have requested refunds, however, that Cascade is reopening registration until they’re all sold out. That gives procrastinators a second chance.

STP rolls out of the University of Washington on July 14. About a third of the riders will head all the way to Portland. The rest will spend the night in motels, temporary campgrounds or private homes in the Centralia and Chehalis areas before embarking on their final 100 miles to Portland.

All the information you’ll need is at the Cascade STP website. If you’re planning on registering, check out the STP registration page. Since a lot of people will be signing up in a short period, I’d recommend creating an account ahead of time if you don’t already have one.

In the meantime, Cascade is accepting refunds through Thursday night.

Remember, STP registration reopens at 12:01 a.m. Monday, June 18.

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    • cherry on May 11, 2013 at 1:12 am
    • Reply

    hey! i wanted too get a reminder for the seattle too portland bike ride. it wasnt clear but is the next trip avalible in 2014? thanks!

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