Road rage attack against bike traveler shouldn't give Kiwis a black eye

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One never knows when a complete jack ass will step forward with designs on screwing up an otherwise ideal bicycle ride.

That's what happened on Tuesday to Russ Roca and Laura Crawford, the American couple whose bicycle-touring exploits are well known and documented at their Path Less Pedaled website.

They've been praising the virtues of summer cycling in New Zealand for the past few weeks until this short message on Tuesday at their Facebook page:

“Had a road rage incident….Russ got tackled off the bike and punched in the face…eventful day.”

Although they didn't go into great detail, there's more information at the, which says Russ and Laura had been riding their bicycles single file on the inner
of two southbound lanes in Wellington when the motorist pulled over, got out of his car and exchanged words with Russ. Then he knocked Russ off his bicycle, then punched him when he stood up.

The motorist then sped off, but witnesses gave the car license number to police.

Remaining upbeat

Kudos to the bicycle travelers for remaining upbeat and keeping the episode in perspective. Laura told the newspaper that, although it was “absolutely awful, … it was a fluke thing — I don't think anyone should take it as a reason not to cycle.”

At the Path Less Pedaled website, she wrote:

“Far from making us angry or bitter or scaring us off our bikes, the whole event has made us very thankful and hopeful. Whatever else happens, we hope that the incident has sparked a conversation about cycling and road culture in NZ, and that it will lead to some positive change for cyclists.”

While Russ only came away with a cut lip, bicycle advocates in New Zealand are afraid it will damage their country's bicycle tourism industry.

“It's the last thing we need,” Cycle Action Auckland chairwoman Barbara Cuthbert told the newspaper.

Bicycle touring isn't a dangerous pursuit, but there's no stopping someone who has snapped or can't control their aggressive tendencies. It could happen waiting in line for movie tickets.

I'm just glad that Russ and Laura will continue their travels.

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