Pelotonia: New destination for cancer charity bike ride in Ohio

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The fast-growing Pelotonia charity bike ride in Ohio is rolling out from Columbus to a new destination in 2012 — Kenyon College in the small town of Gambier.

The organizers of the bicycle ride explained the new destination would encourage more people to make the ride, which drew nearly 5,000 bicyclists in 2011.

Now in its fourth year, the Pelotonia previously set out for Athens in hilly southeastern Ohio. The Columbus-based ride featured options of a one-day 102-mile ride, or two-day 180-mile ride. Shorter one-day routes of 23 and 43 miles also were offered.

Tom Lennox, CEO of Pelotonia, said the new destination between Columbus and Akron would allow organizers to put in routes between the 43- and 100-mile distances “so we can get as many people as possible to finish up in Kenyon.”

Pelotonia registration — scheduled Aug. 10-12 — opens on Jan. 10.

$25 million

Pelotonia is one of the most successful cancer charity bike rides in the nation. Participants raised $13.1 million in 2011, bringing the three-year total to $25 million. All proceeds go to the Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center – James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute.

The Pelotonia bike
ride started in 2009 and received an early shot in the arm when
cancer-survivor and 7-time Tour de France champion Lance Armstrong
joined the ride.

As a prostate cancer survivor myself, I totally support the efforts of Pelotonia and other charity bike rides that raise money for cancer research.

Many more charity bike ride listed at Charity Bicycle Rides.

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