Bicycles roll out for global Moving Planet rallies

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When you call for a rally to support alternatives to burning fossil fuels, you can expect people on bicycles to get involved.

That's what happened Saturday when thousands of bicyclists participated in Moving Planet rallies held across the US and around the planet.

Clean energy demonstrations took place in all 50 states in the US and 175 nations — some 2,000 rallies in all. The day of protest was coordinated by, a climate awareness nonprofit.

Pacific Northwest rallies

Photos posted on's Facebook page from such diverse locations as Haggerston Park near London, above; Houston, Texas; New York City; Iraq; and Bangladesh all show people on bicycles participating in the worldwide event.

In the Pacific Northwest, a Moving Planet rally was held at Lake Union Park in Seattle. Among the bicyclists showing up for the rally was Mayor Mike McGinn.

After the rally, the bicycles in Seattle departed for a more somber memorial ride in response to three bicycling fatalities in recent weeks.

About 100 bicyclists also held a rally in Boise, Idaho; about 40 held a rally at City Hall in Kansas City.

Global warming

Bicyclists also participated in rallies in Minneapolis and San Francisco. In Colorado, bicyclists rode from Boulder to Denver, protesting coal-fired power plants along the way. More details at Environmental News Service.

The group was founded by Bill McKibben, who wrote one of the first mass market books about the dangers of global warming entitled, The End of Nature.

The group's name comes from the maximum safe concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere — 350 parts per million. Greenhouse gases currently are estimated at 392 parts per million.

Since 2008, the nonprofit has been calling for protests to call for awareness to the problems and solutions to global warming.

Perfect vehicle

Although the Moving Planet rallies weren't designed to promote bicycling per se, the bicycle is a perfect vehicle for such rallies. It readily demonstrates an alternative to cars for commuting to work and running errands.

Thanks to all those bicyclists who participated in these rallies on Saturday and to those who protest carbon emissions by riding their bicycle on a daily basis.

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