Sag Hags boost Kansas cyclists spirits

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Sag Hags boost Kansas cyclists spirits

Originally uploaded by ebis50

A cadre of volunteers keeps Biking Across Kansas rolling. Among them are the Sag Hags, above, who staff one of the rest stops every day.
They not only keep the 900 cyclists fed and watered, but they help keep everyone in good spirits with their daily costume theme.
On Tuesday they dressed as pieces of candy. Other days it's been playboy bunnies, pirates and insects — Lady Bug, Love Bug and Stink Bug.
The B.A.K. cyclists needed that levity on Tuesday when they headed 76 miles to McPherson from Hoisington. Temperatures reached 100 as cyclists battled 35mph headwinds that gusted to 40. About half of the final 22 miles were directly into the headwind, as cyclists slowed to 6 or 7 mph.
Many sagged in and at least 2 suffered dehydration.
Wednesday's 63 miles to Cottonwood Falls was much more bike friendly, although the final climb over Osage Hill proved troublesome.
The landscape has evolved from parched western Kansas to lush prairie of the Flint Hills.

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