Preview for volcanic Stage 9 — Mount Etna

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Organizers of the Giro d'Italia threw in a double whammy for Sunday's Stage 9 mountain stage on the island of Sicily.

Instead of one climb to the top of the active Mount Etna volcano, they mapped two routes to the summit on the 169km (104-mile) stage from Messina to Etna.

The first climbs the northeast route to the summit at 1631 meters. Then the peloton heads back down to the coast at Acireale before making another assault on the summit at 1892 meters from the south at Nicolosi.

This will surely be the time for all the General Classification contenders to come to the front or relinquish their aspirations for a title.

Here's a profile of the last 20km or so of the second climb up Mount Etna supplied by You can see it's a steady grind to the top.

If you have a Google Earth plug-in, you also can see the final Mount Etna climb in 3D.

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