“Share the Trail” in Renton (WA) on Saturday

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Renton is hosting a “Share the Trail” event on the Cedar River Trail on Saturday to circulate information about the rules and trail etiquette that went into effect last summer.

In a nutshell, the city lowered the speed limit for bicycles to 10 mph and set a $101 fine for violations. It also painted a yellow line down the center of the trail and asks users to stay to the right of the line unless passing.

The parks department wants to make this Saturday event fun, so there will be contests and booths with prizes and refreshments for all who attend from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Ron Regis Park, Renton.


The cyclists, hikers, rollerbladers and dog-walkers also will be given brochures about the new rules. Officials from the Parks and Recreation Department will be on hand so you can share your suggestions about the rules.

The Cascade Bicycle Club, Feet First, RUFF and Bicycle Alliance of Washington are partners in “Share the Trail.”

The rules instituted against bicyclists were a reaction by the Renton City Council to the tragic death of a woman last year who was struck when she stepped in front of a bicycle. Both the 83-year-old woman and the 57-year-old cyclist were knocked unconscious in the collision; the woman never recovered.

Read more about the Cedar River Trail rules.

Happy Trails in Dallas

Renton isn't the only city wrestling with a trail that's popular for walkers and cyclists.

Dallas is launching a Happy Trails campaign along the Katy Trail after a 28-year-old female jogger was fatally injured in a collision with a bicycle rider.

The city is posting some 450 signs with safety reminders along the trails and airing radio and TV public service announcements. The campaign was funded by private and public monies, according to the Dallas Morning News.

Dallas did not institute a bicycle speed limit, although the signs encourage safe speeds.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2011/05/12/share-the-trail-in-renton-wa-on-saturday/

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