Cedar River Trail detour in Renton (WA)

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This old railroad trestle on the Cedar River Trail in Renton will be closed for approximately the next 10 days for repairs.

The sign says that a detour around the bridge over the Cedar River will be marked.

The detour takes bicyclists and other trail users through Riverview Park, out onto the sidewalk on Maple Valley Highway, and back to the trail about 150 yards east of Maplewood Roadside Park.

Crews will be working on the east abutment of the trestle, which is about 100 years old and was for many years part of the Chicago Milwaukee St. Paul and Pacific Railroad, aka Milwaukee Road. The work should be complete by April 28, if not earlier.

The Cedar River Trail runs for about 17 miles between Renton and Landsburg, passing through Maple Valley. The trail surface is hard-packed crushed stone for five miles on the eastern side; the remaining 12 miles are paved.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2011/04/18/cedar-river-trail-detour-in-renton-wa/

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