2011 Ride the Rockies bike route announced

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You mountain goats of the bicycling world should be happy to see that Ride the Rockies returns for its 26th year in 2011 with six mountain passes in six days.

The route for the 412-mile bike tour presented by the Denver Post was revealed on Sunday, with registration opening now through Feb. 25.

The mass participation bike ride, which accepts 2,000 cyclists by lottery, runs from June 11 – 17 from Crested Butte to Georgetown.

For those who might be interested in two weeks of supported bicycle touring, the Bicycle Tour of Colorado starts June 19 in nearby Central City for a week-long loop covering 463 miles.


Bicyclists in RTR will gather in Crested Butte on June 11 for the ride that starts the next day. Host cities are Buena Vista, Edwards, Steamboat Springs (2 nights), and Granby before finishing in Georgetown.

Cyclists will tackle the highest point at Cottonwood Pass at 12, 126 feet on the first day. That's also the day with the most elevation gain — 4,314 feet. Probably the easiest day is the loop ride around Steamboat Springs.

Here's the schedule:

June 12: Crested Butte to Buena Vista, 76 miles; Cottonwood Pass – 12,216 feet
June 13: Buena Vista to Edwards, 76 miles; Tennessee Pass – 10,424 feet, and Battle Mountain
June 14: Edwards to Steamboat Springs, 80 miles; Yellowjacket Pass – 7,428 feet
June 15: Steamboat Springs loop, 52 miles
June 16: Steamboat Springs to Granby, 78 miles; Rabbit Ears Pass – 9,426 feet and Muddy Pass – 8,772 feet
June 17: Granby to Georgetown, 50 miles; Berthoud Pass – 11,307 feet.

Ride organizers give a $5,000 grant to a nonprofit in each town.


Registration for Ride the Rockies opened on Sunday with announcement of the bike ride. Registration closes at 5 p.m. Feb. 25. The 2,000 bicyclists chosen by lottery will be notified on March 4.

The Bicycle Tour of Colorado is not affiliated with Ride the Rockies. Registration for that bike tour is ongoing. It caps out at 1,500 cyclists.

The end of the Ride the Rockies bike tour in Georgetown is about 30 miles from the start of the Bicycle Tour of Colorado in Central City. The route bypasses the town of Black Hawk, which doesn't welcome bicyclists.


Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2011/02/06/2011-ride-the-rockies-bike-route-announced/

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