Seattle weekend: Recycling bikes and mustache bike ride

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With only a “chance” of rain this weekend, you might enjoy loading a container with bicycles on Saturday and a mustache bike ride this Sunday. Both are free.

Bikes to Ghana

The Village Bicycle Project is loading a shipping container headed to Ghana beginning at 9 a.m. Saturday at Total Reclaim, 1915 South Corgiat Drive. Here are the directions to the loading event.

Organizers are looking for anyone who can prep the bikes and load for an hour or all day. Also, you can bring along an old bicycle to donate. The work will be outside, so dress appropriately.

Bike ride

For all of you who let your whiskers grow under your nose for Movember, Go Means Go is sponsoring a Free Mustache Ride on Sunday.

The 20-mile (or so) easy pace ride starts at 11:30 a.m. Sunday at the Fremont Coffee Co., 459 N. 36th St., Seattle. Bryan Clark will bring along some stick-on mustaches, and fake mustaches are welcome.

See the Facebook invite for more info.


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