Lessons learned on bike travels passed along to students

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Four Californians are teaching sustainability by example as they travel by bicycle around the US and make presentations at schools along the way.

The four cyclists — Aaron Viducich, Sara Dykman, Tommy Viducich and Matt Schiff — have logged some 5,500 miles on their estimated 15,000-mile journey around the lower 48 states and Alaska.

More importantly, they've spoken with about 1,500 students in more than 30 presentations over the past four months.

Conversation starter

Anyone who has traveled by bicycle knows that a bicycle packed with 30 to 60 pounds of essential gear is a great conversation starter. The same goes for relating to children. The four use their travels and experiences to teach about geography, science, and health education; their lesson plan is posted under “school presentations” at their website, Bike49. 

The team started in Arcata, California, and rode their bicycles up the Pacific coast to Alaska. They returned to the lower 48 via Idaho and have been heading east through the northern tier of states. Right now they're on Michigan's Upper Peninsula and plan to hit New England in the late autumn.

Lately, the group has been dealing with rainy weather and “perpetually damp” gear as they head through Michigan. Earlier, it had been blistering heat in Montana and legions of bugs in Alaska. They expect their bike travels to take about 14 months.


Dykman, who has been sidelined from the bicycle tour lately by a broken ankle, spoke to the DailyPress about the group's accomplishments.

“We have had a great reaction from the teaching community. Many times teachers find out about us just a few days before we reach their town, but their enthusiasm for our project helps them clear a bit of their schedule for us to speak.”

During their visit, the cyclists talk about their experiences, relate it to science, geography and health and lead several activities, such drawing a dream bicycle. One activity involves letting the kids unpack one of the bicycles to see everything they carry.

Two-way learning

The cyclists also learn from their students, such as the 14-year-old in Iowa who explained the economics of growing soybeans to the quartet. As their blog explains, they've honed their teaching skills as they go along.

I can only imagine how fun it would have been to have my school-day interrupted by four strangers with stories about traveling around the US by bicycle, just the way I used to travel to my friends' houses or to the store. It's probably a lesson I would have carried with me forever.

Teachers interested in contacting the four can contact them at bike49@gmail.com.

We wish these cyclists the best on their continued journey around the US.

Photo above: The four celebrate as they enter Idaho. More photos at the Bike49.com website.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2010/09/29/lessons-learned-on-bike-travels-passed-along-to-students/

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