Leadville 100 returns to the big screen with Race Across the Sky 2010

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Generally, I'm not much of a fan of movie sequels (unless it's the upcoming Harry Potter), but “Race Across the Sky 2010” sounds promising.

This is the second year in a row that the Leadville 100 mountain bike race has been immortalized for release in theaters.

Following the slipstream of its success with a documentary on the 2009 race, “Race Across the Sky 2010” will be shown in some 500 theaters nationwide on Nov. 4 (that's a Thursday).

Details of that release and ticket information will be posted online at the Race Across the Sky website soon.

2009 Leadville

The first Leadville 100 documentary featured the mano-a-mano battle between roadie Lance Armstrong and six-time Leadville winner David Weins. It was their second meeting, and Armstrong beat Weins, setting a new record over the mountainous Colorado course in the meantime.

Armstrong didn't return in 2010, but RadioShack teammate Levi Leipheimer was there, competing in one of his first-ever mountain bike races. In fact, the first film launched new interest in the Leadville race.

Record breaker

Leipheimer did the improbable in winning the race last month and shaving 12 minutes off Armstrong's previous course record. Such mountain bike racing illuminaries as Jeremy Horgan-Kobelski (JHK) finished second and Todd Wells finished third.

How difficult is the race? I love this quote from the winner, a guy who has competed in road cycling classics like the Tour de France:

“Twenty miles to go, I didn't care if I was an hour behind or a half an hour ahead, I just wanted to get it done …. It was just torturous.”

I'm sure lots of people are looking forward to this sequel of an amazing race by Denver-based Citizens Pictures and will be making plans for the Leadville 100 next August.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2010/09/16/leadville-100-returns-to-the-big-screen-with-race-across-the-sky-2010/

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