More funding for bicycle advocacy programs

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Cash infusions to four bicycle advocacy organizations will help pump up bicycling programs in four communities.

The $103,000 was handed out earlier this month by the Alliance for Biking and Walking as Advocacy Advance grants, funded by SRAM, as well as Bikes Belong and Planet Bike.

The four lucky programs are Bicycle Coalition of Maine, The Community Development Council of Greater Memphis' Livable Memphis Program, the Missouri Foundation for Bicycling and Walking, and the California Bicycle Coalition Education Fund.

Alliance President/CEO Jeffrey Miller said:

“From rural to urban communities, from the coast to the Heartland, the organizations will leverage these dollars to propel dramatic progress in their communities. The insight these advocates gain will not only enhance their individual organizational capacity, but build a stronger, more effective national movement.”

In applying for the grant, the organizations naturally had to tell what how the money would be spent.

California Bicycle Coalition Fund — Received a $30,000 grant to hire a new executive director who will launch a traffic justice campaign, advocate for on-board bicycle accommodations on high-speed rail, and develop a statewide recreational bicycle route.

Missouri Foundation for Bicycling and Walking — Received a $30,000 grant to launch a bicycle and pedestrian advocacy organization in the Kansas City area. The goal will be to win bicycle-friendly status to five communities in the Kansas City region, as well as extend the Katy Trail.

Livable Memphis — Received a $25,000 grant to create a 1.7-long bike-artway that will connect two trail systems in Memphis. The project also will increase advocacy for public funding of bicycle facilities.

Bicycle Coalition of Maine — Received a $18,000 grant to its Community Spokes Program to advocate for bicycling improvements in local communities.

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