Things improving for bicycle traveler marooned in Missouri by bike theft

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The past 24 hours have brought about an outpouring of assistance for Ty Robinson of North Bend, WA.

The cross-country bicyclist awoke from a nap in a Hannibal, MO, park earlier this week to discover his Fuji touring bike and all his gear had been stolen.

After a local newspaper wrote about his plight, help is on the way. A group of Hannibal cyclists announced a fund-raising ride, MoBikeFed is taking donations, a reward has been offered for the bicycle's return, and local businesses have offered better lodging and dining.

The Courier-Post editor Mary Lou Montgomery wrote:

“His face now easily recognizable from the photo printed on page one this newspaper’s Friday edition, help came to him from all directions. A motel clerk found a battery charger for his phone. An agency took him shopping at Walmart. There were offers of bicycle donations, free meals and  lodging.

“And compassionate people – all ages and from all walks of life – hand delivered donations to the Courier-Post business office to help get the young traveler back on feet.

“Ty spent Friday afternoon getting settled into upgraded housing, thanks to the coordination of the Hannibal Convention and Visitors Bureau. At suppertime, he sat down to a wholesome meal, thanks to a local restaurant.”

The Missouri Bicycle and Pedestrian Federation set up an online donation to Help Ty Robinson”. MoBikeFed director Brent Hugh says all the proceeds will go to Robinson.

Also, Hannibal cyclists organized a ride for Robinson that leaves at 8 a.m. Monday from Java Jive, 211 North Main, Hannibal. A donation of $10 to $20 is suggested for the bike ride, with 66- and 108-mile options. Details at MoBikeFed.

Also, local businessman Bobby Boland offered a $1,000 reward for return of the bicycle.

It looks as if the 29-year-old from North Bend will be able to finish his cross-country bicycle ride afterall. Kudos to everyone who is pitching in to help.

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