Michigan bicycle touring club raises money to repave road

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One of the biggest misconceptions held by members of the motoring public — especially when they relate to bicyclists — is that they own the road because they pay for it.

Not true. Road construction and maintenance is paid for by a myriad of taxes, of which gasoline taxes are only one part. In fact, most cyclists also own cars, so they pay their fair share of gas taxes as well.

One place where motorists won't be making that argument, however, is Ann Arbor, Michigan, where a bicycle club raised funds to help pay for a road repaving on a popular bicycling road.

Repaving gap

The county roads commission had planned to repave two sections of Huron River Drive this month, but that project had left a three-quarter-mile long gap between Tubbs Road and Wagner Road.

As you can see from the Google Streetsview above, that Huron River Drive pavement has potholes and ruts that bicyclists would have to dodge as they share the road with cars.

The repaving would cost $90,000, according to the roads commission. They said they'd “double-match” any funds raised by the community.


So the Ann Arbor Bicycle Touring Society set out to raise $30,000 to pay for the project. Instead, they've raised $42,940 so far. Ted Green, a member of the bicycle club, told AnnArbor.com:

“I know if exceeded everyone's expectations and it absolutely floored the Washtenaw County Road Commission.”

Exceeding the goal enables another 800 feet of roadway to be repaved and the repair of a 300-foot section, Green said. In addition, the county parks and recreation department has committed funds for a 3-foot shoulder on both sides of the repaving project paid for by the bicycle club.

Working together

According to the Ann Arbor Bicycle Touring Society's website, fund-raising is open until Friday. (See how to donate below.)

This might not be a workable solution for all communities, but it's good to see the bicycling community and roads commission can work together on a project.

From AnnArbor.com:

Donations are still being accepted. Any additional money donated will be used for improvements beyond the scope of the original project. To donate, write a check to the Washtenaw County Road Commission and send it to the Ann Arbor Bicyle Touring Society, Attn: HRD Repaving, P.O. Box 1585, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. For more information, e-mail Ted Green at ted@greenviewdata.com.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2010/08/18/michigan-bicycle-touring-club-raises-money-to-repave-road/

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