Update: City council approves 2030 Portland Bike Plan

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If a far-reaching plan to enhance bicycling can be enacted anywhere, it's in Portland.

Although members of the City Council delayed the vote on the Portland Bicycle Plan for a week back on Feb. 4, they unanimously approved it on Thursday.

According to BikePortland.org, Mayor Sam Adams will return next week with a proposal to inject $20 million into the bike plan to get some improvements on the ground right away.

The entire 20-year plan would cost an estimated $600 million to create 700 miles of bikeways and make other improvements to encourage commuters to choose bicycles instead of their cars.

See developing details at “Bike plan passes with unanimous support: — BikePortland.org.

Background from Feb. 5 article:

Some 200 bicyclists showed up at a rally at City Hall to show their support for the plan, whose goal is to make it possible for Portland commuters to take 25% of their trips by bicycle in 20 years. One way of doing this is to make bicycling more safe by creating 700 miles of bikeways.

Portland Mayor Sam Adams told supporters anxious to hear the results of the vote: “This is going to pass, folks, so you don't have to worry about it.”


The reasons for putting off the vote sounds innocuous enough — clarifications on why some projects aren't in the plan and possible ways to pay for the improvements. But there has to be some concern about behind-the-scenes arm-twisting or lobbying that could take place before next Thursday.

The city currently has about 300 miles of bikeways and seems to be in the front lines in the battle to make bicycling safer. The result is 6% of commuter trips are made by bicycle in the city.


Still, some speakers at the hearing complained about the cost of implementation and how the plan “benefits the few”. Apparently they haven't priced the per-mile cost of adding traffic lanes to an interstate highway lately…. Or learned about the health crisis caused by a sedentary lifestyle.

I'm hoping this master plan passes in Portland so other cities can see the benefits of promoting bicycle transportation.

See more coverage at BikePortland and OregonLive.com details about the 2030 Portland Bicycle Master Plan at the city Department of Transpotation.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2010/02/12/update-city-council-approves-2030-portland-bike-plan/

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