Upstate New York is destination for foreign bike tour

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Anytime I hear about foreign destinations for bicycle tours, I think of France, Italy, even Canada. But that's all a matter of perspective.

Now a Quebec-based non-profit bicycling association is sending its 2010 Grand Tour south into upstate New York for the first time. 

The 2,000 cyclists on the bike tour are expected to pump $1.5 million into the area during the seven-day ride. It's just another reminder that recreatoinal bicycling is a big business that can contribute to the economic health (see “Recreational bicycling has big economic impact in Wisconsin”)

Vélo Québec Événements is producing the bike tour that takes in Lake George, Lake Champlain, the Adirondacks. Here's what they say:

“In addition to enjoying the stunning views, the travellers will have the pleasure of riding on exceptionally well maintained roads and of selecting from among a variety of routes allowing them to cycle at their own pace and at their preferred level of difficulty…..

“Take advantage of this unique opportunity to explore the joys of cycling south of the 49th parallel and on magnificent routes that will expand your horizons!”

Kind words about the bike routes in New York. Of course, many in the US already know that. The FANY (Five Hundred Miles Across New York) and Bon Ton Roulet are just a couple of the US-based bike rides that visit that area every year.

The tour promoter is a division of the non-profit Vélo Québec. In the US, it's probably best known for creating the La Route Verte, a bike route system that covers more than 2,500 miles of bike paths and low-traffic roads across the province.

The Adventure Cycling Association blog recently wrote about the route at “The best bicycle route in the world?”

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