Bicycles in the snow

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Snowmaggedon. Snopocalypse. No matter what they call it, snowstorms don't stop bicyclists from hitting the roads.

Here are some random images from the group “Bicycles in the Snow” at Some of the photos might be from the recent snowstorms that have crushed the Mid-Atlantic states the past few days, but most are from other times and places.

The photos remind us that bikes are always there in spite of the weather. They tell the story of how we use bicycles to commute to work and run errands through the slush, or just ride them to play in the snow.

The saddest tales are told by those bikes caught in the snow, left to rust under a snowbank or be mangled by a passing snowplow.

Refresh the page to see more images of bike in the snow, or visit the group to see all 900-some photos. You also can submit your bike-in-the-snow picture there.

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