2010 RAGBRAI rolls out from Sioux City to Dubuque

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Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa organizers announced the host towns for its 38th annual bike ride — the third easiest route ever.

As many predicted, Sioux City got the honors as the starting town on the northern route that will cover 442 miles. The other towns and mileage:

Sioux City to Storm Lake — 68.5 miles;
Storm Lake to Algona — 79 miles;
Algona to Clear Lake — 51.3 miles;
Clear Lake to Charles City — 51.7 miles;
Charles City to Waterloo — 82.7 miles;
Waterloo to Manchester — 62 miles;
Manchester to Dubuque — 46.9 miles.

In identifying the route at RAGBRAI's first-ever announcement party, T.J. Juskiewicz said the route was the 6th shortest ever. At 14,527 feet of total elevation gain, it's the 5th flattest.

That's a welcome relief for some RAGBRAI bikers who struggled over the more varied terrain of southern Iowa in recent years.

Closely watched

The RAGBRAI announcement is probably as closely watched as the Iowa Caucus returns during the presidential primaries every four years. Taking a clue from the interest in social media, the RAGBRAI announcement was available on Twitter and Facebook, as well as streaming video from the announcement party site.

More than 2,000 viewers logged in to see the announcement live. That's only a small fraction of the 10,000 registered riders that will make the ride.

Registration has been underway for several weeks, as people have been signing up without an inkling of where they'll start, where they'll finish, and where they'll spend the nights. They know that wherever they stay, the people will be friendly, the pie will be plentiful and the beer will be cold.

Host cities

The ones really watching the announcements with fingers crossed were the city promoters who long for the tourism trade. In a recession like the one we're in, it could mean make-it or break-it for some city budgets.

Sioux City officials were optimistic that they'd be not just a host city, but the starting city. Direct economic impact of starting RAGBRAI in that west Iowa city is $2.6 million.

Host cities can hope to earn as much as $2 million from bake sales, lodging, taxes and more. While the ride registers some 10,000 riders, there also are vendors, support bus drivers, and independent cyclists that can swell the influx of people to 25,000.

Where to watch

Lobbying can get intense. The Des Moines Register, which has sponsored the bike tour since the beginning, reports that one year Cedar Falls distributed 1,000 stamped postcards and asked residents to send them to members of the RAGBRAI town selection committee.

After the route is announced Saturday night, T.J. has scheduled an online chat beginning at noon on Monday, Feb. 1. Chat details at RAGBRAI.

In the meantime, you can register at the RAGBRAI website. Deadline for paper registrations are Feb. 15; online deadline is April 1. Riders are chosen by lottery, which is posted on May 1.

Can't make it to Iowa, check out more Across-State Bike Rides in 2010.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2010/01/31/2010-ragbrai-rolls-out-from-sioux-city-to-dubuque/

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