Changes allow bike commuters to load anywhere in Seattle

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Good news for Seattle bicycle commuters who combine their bike ride with the bus:

Beginning Feb. 6, bicyclists can load and unload their bikes on all Metro buses at any time. That means for the first time, bicyclists can load and unload their bicycles in the busy downtown core, which has been closed to such activity.

King County Metro says this is a one-year demonstration project to determine whether loading and unloading bikes on the front racks on buses slows down the schedule. They'll evaluate safety and operations at the end of the 12-month period.

More than half of the Metro buses use three-bike racks; the rest still have the two-bike racks. The transit system plans to install the three-bike racks on all buses by this spring.

Special instructions on taking your bike on a bus or vanpool can be found at the Metro website. Essentially:

  1. Verbally communicate to the driver that you will be loading a bike before using the bicycle rack as the driver may not see you.
  2. Always load your bike from the curb side of the bus.
  3. Sit near the front of the bus and watch your bike. Metro is not responsible for stolen bikes.
  4. Alert the driver again before taking your bike off the rack.

Bikes are still not allowed inside the bus.

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