Dutchman to complete TransAmerica bike ride 34 years late

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Dutchman Frank van Dijk has a bike ride to finish.

Frank visited the US in 1976 to ride his bicycle cross-country that first Bikecentennial summer.

The 23-year-old joined hundreds who streamed from coast-to-coast to celebrate the nation's 200th birthday on routes mapped by what later became the Adventure Cycling Association.

Except Frank didn't finish.

A motorist struck Frank while he pedaled through IKansas. His head smashed through the windshield and his body sprawled across the hood of the car.


He spent several days in a hospital in a coma and suffered various fractures, contussions and lacerations. Then he returned to Holland, never to return.

Until 2010. At age 57, Frank is making plans to return to the US in August to finish his bike tour. He's calling it the Tour de Frank.

He'll start on the East Coast, his original destination point, and ride his bike about 1,800 miles to Eureka, Kansas, where his bike tour ended the first time.

Cancer research

He's completing the bike tour not just to complete the cross-country journey, but also to raise money for KiKa (Kinderen Kankervrij), which translates to Children Cancerfree.

KiKa operates 7 children cancer centers in the Netherlands where they're conducting research to develop new treatments for children cancers based on genetic research. You can read about their programs in this English KiKa brochure.


In preparing for this bike tour, Frank also is looking for companions who might like to accompany him on his tour. An Amsterdam-based firm also is considering a documentary on his return to the US to finish his bike tour.

You can reach Frank at info@tourdefrank.nl.

Let's wish him better luck on his adventure this time around.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2009/12/24/dutchman-to-complete-transamerica-bike-ride-34-years-late/

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