Two auctions for bicycle nonprofits in Seattle this weekend

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Two auctions are on tap this weekend in Seattle to raise funds for nonprofits that support bicycling.

Fortunately, the auctions for the Bicycle Alliance of Washington and The Bikery are on different nights.

First up is the Bicycle Alliance of Washington auction and gala beginning at 5:30 p.m. Saturday at the Seattle Center Fisher Pavilion.

The Alliance advocates for bicyclists in Washington. In addition to overseeing what our legislators are up to in Olympia, the BAW runs the Bike Station in Seattle and runs bike commuting and safe routes to school programs, among many other tasks.

You can peruse an online list of items that are being auctioned. All the details about the dinner and auction can be found at the BAW Auction website.

While Saturday is the 17th annual auction for BAW, Sunday marks the first annual art auction by The Bikery. The volunteer-run nonprofit provides opportunities for us to learn how to repair and safely enjoy our bicycles.

The art auction begins at 7 p.m. on Sunday at space donated by 2020 Cycles at 2020 E. Union St. in the Central District. Drinks, snacks and entertainment will be offered while you make your silent bids on the donated art.

The Bikery promises this will go late, according to details at this announcement. Got questions? Email

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