7th grader rides bike to school in defiance of district policy

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Imagine riding your bike to middle school and being met by state police and school administrators.

That's what happened this fall to Adam Marino, 12, on his way to school at Maple Avenue Middle School in Saratoga Springs, New York.

Instead of receiving a proclamation for getting fresh air and exercise on his way to and from school, Adam and Janette Kaddo Marino, his mother, were reminded that biking, and walking, to school is strictly prohibited for elementary and middle school students. They ride anyway.

School policy

The Times-Union newspaper reports:

Their methods may be unconventional, but the Marinos are part of a
growing number of Americans challenging the sedentary habits of today's
youths and what they view as overanxious “helicopter” parenting. As
fewer children walk and bike to school nationwide, parents have started
groups like the “Walking School Bus,” which promotes physical activity
and fitness in youth by having them walk to school with adults.

The two have been battling the school district policy since this spring, according to the Times Union. This fall they thought it was OK to proceed as the school district reviewed the policy, but they received a phone call before classes started that biking was prohibited. Adam rode his bike anyway, accompanied by his mother.

The school superintendent says the district is reviewing the policy and may change it at the next meeting.

Safe routes

In the meantime, the Saratoga Healthy Transportation Network has taken up their cause and members accompany them to school. Adam rides the four miles to school a couple of times a week, depending on the weather.

There's a nationwide push on to curb childhood obesity, which has climbed to epidemic proportions. Nearly 1 in 3 children aged 2 to 19 are either overweight or obese. Exercise, as well as good eating habits, are central to battling the weight gain.

Maybe that school district should concentrate their efforts on ensuring there are safe routes to school instead of prohibiting kids from biking or walking.

Lots of students should be heading to school under their own power on Wednesday. That's International Walk and Bike to School Day.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2009/10/05/7th-grader-rides-bike-to-school-in-defiance-of-district-policy/

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