New York City pushes bicycle access to buildings

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New York City curbed one of the biggest obstacles to riding a bicycle to work — finding a secure place to park your ride.

The Bicycle Access Bill passed by the City Council on Wednesday requires that building owners provide access to freight elevators for bicycle commuters so they can park their bicycles at work. Another bill requires that parking lots with more than 200 spaces create paid bicycle spaces.

Now, with these laws in hand, bicycle advocates across the country can begin work to get similar bills passed in their cities. It only took 16 years in New York.

No easy ride

Even with passage of the bill, bicycle advocates don't expect an easy ride. Streetsblog explains that the Bicycle Access Bill gives bicycle commuters a legal framework to petition building owners for bicycle access to work. It's expected that many landlords will seek exemptions when the law goes into effect in 120 days.

Essentially, the bill aims to provide secure bicycle parking on two fronts:

1. The owners of office buildings with freight elevators — that's about 1,600 buildings — would be required to allow bicycle access if the tenants allow workers to bring bicycles to work. The owners wouldn't have to provide the space for parking (that's up to the tenants), just the access.

2. Parking garages with more the 200 space must create a paid spot for bikes for every 10 spaces for cars. In a year, that requirement is reduced to garages or lots with 51 spaces.

There are exemptions that could allow some parking garages or building owners to weasel out of the requirements. Advocates expect a fight all the way.

16 years

Transportation Alternatives first included the proposal for bicycle access to buildings back in 1993. Nothing came of it then. Streetsblog reports about the coalitions that formed in recent years to make it happen.

A press release quotes TA's Paul Steely White:

“No other city in the country has a policy like the one City Council passed today. When we open the doors of New York City’s workplaces to cyclists, tens of thousands of commuters are going to get on two wheels.”

Here's complete synopsis of all the votes and hearings related to the bicycle access bill; here's the amended version of the bicycle access bill.

In other action, the New York City Council passed a bill that regulates and licenses pedicabs.

Photo above: A bicyclist rides through Times Square earlier this year.


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