Louisiana governor signs 3-foot rule for bicyclists; outlaws harassment

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Louisiana has joined the list of states where motorists are required to give bicyclists a 3-foot margin when passing.

The legislature passed the bill earlier this month and a reader informed me yesterday that Gov. Bobby Jindal signed the bill into law on Thursday.

That's not all. The bill (HB 725) contains language that specifically makes harassing bicyclists a crime:

“It shall be unlawful to harass, taunt, or maliciously throw objects at or in the direction of anyone riding a bicycle.”

Harassment fine

A violation of the harassment law brings a fine of not less than $200 and up to 30 days jail time. [The city of Columbia, Missouri, recently passed an anti-harassment ordinance.]

This is the first year that the 3-foot law was put in front of the Louisiana legislature, and it's good to see how easily it passed. The law has had its difficulties in many states, including Washington, Iowa and Texas.

Texas veto

In fact, Gov. Rick Perry of next door neighbor Texas vetoed a 3-foot passing bill earlier this month. This is particularly galling for Texas cyclists because many have been working hard for it in recent years. When the legislature approved the measure, they were surprised by Perry's veto because he is a bicyclist.

The new Louisiana law is the Colin Goodier Protection Act, named in commemoration of an avid cyclist who was training for a triathlon when he was struck on his bike by a truck and killed.

US tally

At my last tally, Jindal's signature makes 14 states that have passed a mandatory 3-foot passing law. Louisiana and Colorado both had bills passed and signed into law this year; the Texas legislature passed the bill but the governor vetoed it, and bills in Iowa and Washington state are stalled. (Still checking on Maryland and Rhode Island.)

Here's the full lists of 14 states:

New Hampshire

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2009/06/29/louisiana-governor-signs-3-foot-rule-for-bicyclists-outlaws-harassment/

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