Tragic end to cross-country protest bicycle ride

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The Mad as Hell Bike Ride Across the US was an aptly named endeavor.

Jim Gafney was a 65-year-old computer engineer from Chula Vista, California, who took off on a cross-country bike ride in April to collect signatures on a petition to protest the bailouts and encourage the President and Congress to act more responsibly in these tough economic times.

Family and friends say he was upset about the government's actions during the recession and was going to deliver the petition to lawmakers in Washington DC. He hoped to have 1,000 protesting cyclists accompany him into the nation's capital.

Hit and run

Gafney wasn't allowed to finish his bike ride, however. Bicycling at night through Illinois to escape the heat, Gafney was struck and killed by a hit and run driver early Sunday morning.

Leon K. Marcum, 27, of Centralia, Illinois, faces a felony charge of leaving the scene of a fatal accident, according to St.LouisToday. Earlier misdemeanor DUI and traffic charges were withdrawn..

The driver said he saw Gafney as he drove over a hill on US 50, but was unable to stop. He was arrested  later, according to the News-Democrat.

Mad Max

The newspaper said he was called Mad Max by friends, but he didn't seem “mad” to me when I watched his videos on YouTube.

Opinionated, yes. But on much of the video footage he just sounded like a guy who was living a great adventure by cycling across the US and learning about dire economic conditions along the way.

In his last video, he thanked all the folks who let him camp out in their front lawns and patios, or behind bars or other places. He also was grateful for people who helped him when his bicycle broke down on the road.

Get in touch

Whether you agree with his politics or not, it's a damn shame that his ride had to end this way. He sounds like a dedicated individual who wanted to get in touch with people the best way he know how, on a bicycle.

The Southwest Free Press in Pagosa Springs, Colorado, is calling for people to take up Gafney's mission. If you're interested in learning more about his cause, you can download  his petition (.pdf) and check for details at the Free Press website.

You can also read more about his bike tour and see more videos at Between Homes.

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