Putting your bicycle to work

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Hmmm. Pie.

A gal in San Francisco who sells pies from her bicycle is just one of a number of folks who are putting their bikes to work these days.

The BikeBasketPies baker announces her schedule via Twitter, then shows up with her bicycle baskets loaded with pie boxes. Apparently she launched her business on Monday in Delores Park at the western edge of the Mission District.

Her specialties are strawberry-rhubarb, blueberry-mango-coconut, and mixed berry mini pies. First seen at Mission Mission.

Gardener bikes

Meanwhile, Fort Collins (Colorado) Parks Department gardeners are using a bicycle to tend to downtown flower boxes.

The bicycle pulls a cart equipped with hoses and tools. The city also uses bicycles to maintain trails and other park property, according to news reports.

Last year, I wrote about Realtors in Portland and Boulder who showed houses to prospective homebuyers by bicycle. Their idea was to show how houses in certain neighborhoods were close to shopping and other amenites.


While the idea of a working bicycle may be unique in most parts of the US, it certainly is more mainstream in New York and internationally.

When I visited New York City last month, I was struck by the prevalence of bicycles used as working beasts over those for recreation. Around lunch time, the streets were overrun with bicyclists delivering lunches and other goods to office workers, not to mention the bicycle messengers who worked throughout the day.

Living in the Seattle area, I suppose the epitome of working bicycle that I've seen is the beautiful Bakfiets cargo bike available at Dutch Bike Seattle.

Those cargo bikes come from Europe, but it's actually pretty easy to convert most bicycles to working machine. Just take a bike and add racks, baskets or a trailer for hauling stuff.

The Cyclofiend website has an extensive photo gallery of bicycles that have been turned into workhorses.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2009/06/02/putting-your-bicycle-to-work/

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