Memorial Day bicycle ride into the Cascades

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I've always enjoyed sharing my favorite bicycle routes with friends; even more so when it's my son.

So when Memorial Day dawned clear and warm, we headed up to the Iron Horse State Park just east of North Bend where I introduced him to the John Wayne Pioneer Trail.

In spite of a sign at the trailhead that warned the Snoqualmie Tunnel was closed 20 miles ahead, we saw dozens of bicyclists out on the rail-trail of the Chicago-Milwaukee-St. Paul-Pacific Railroad — aka The Milwaukee Road.

Since there's no way through, or around, the 2.3-mile tunnel, the only destination for these bicyclists was a out-and-back trail ride to stretch their legs and enjoy the sunny, blue skies.

[Five tunnels along the route have been closed indefinitely due to safety concerns.]

Even though it's Memorial Day, there's still plenty of snow in the high country.

Some of the most spectacular scenery can be seen from the numerous trestles that cross roaring streams more than 100 feet below. Here cyclists are dwarfed by a rocky slope.

Rusting light signal poles left over from the Milwaukee Road railroad are discarded in a jumbled pile.

For more about the trail ride, how to get there, and more links, check out Iron Horse State Park's John Wayne Pioneer Trail.

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