13 new bicycle friendly communities named

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Are you lucky enough live in a Bicycle Friendly Community?

The League of American Bicyclists named 13 more cities to its esteemed list, bringing the number nationwide to 108.

And as an added bonus, the League named four states — Washington and Wisconson (silver) and Arizona and Minnesota (bronze) — to its newly launched Bicycle Friendly State program.

Here are the 13 new states on the Bicycle Friendly Community list:

Columbia, MO — Silver
Alexandria, VA — Bronze
Cedar Falls, IA — Bronze
Columbus, OH — Bronze
Irvine, CA — Bronze
Lakewood, CO — Bronze
Long Beach, CA — Bronze
Naperville, IL — Bronze
Philadelphia, PA — Bronze
Santa Monica, CA — Bronze
Traverse City, MI — Bronze
Tulsa, OK — Bronze
Vail, CO — Bronze

Renewals were made for Ann Arbor, MI and Bend, OR as silver level and Milwaukee, WI as a bronze.

What's significant about this list of 13, says the League, is that five of the cities are in states — Iowa, Missouri, Oklahoma, Ohio and Pennsylvania — that never before had a Bicycle Friendly Community.

The achievements of Columbus and Philadelphia are especially noteworthy because they mark the addition of more metropolitan areas in the eastern US to the list.

Getting on the list is not as easy as creating a bike master plan and sending in an application. In fact, the 108 bike friendly cities represent the survivors of a group of 274 applicants.

The applicants are judged on the five E's — engineering, education, encouragement, enforcement and evaluation. Further, the states must answer a 75-question form that judges legislation, policies and programs, infrastructure, education and encouragement, and enforcement.

Here are the communities that received an honorable mention; they're almost there:

Buffalo Grove, IL
Clark County, NV
Decatur, GA
Easton, PA
Faifield, CT
Goodyear, AZ
Greeley, CO
Hyattsville, MD
Madison, NJ
Menlo Park, CA
Punta Gordo, FL
Riverside, OH
Roswell, NM
Savannah, GA
St. Helens, OR
Wenatchee, WA

See the interactive map of all Bicycle Friendly Communities.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2009/05/04/13-new-bicycle-friendly-communities-named/

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