Quote: Bicycle fear and loathing from Boulder sheriff

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“There's really nothing now that requires them (cyclists) to yield or move over. … This bill gives them full access to the road.”

That's an interesting reaction to passage of Colorado's bicycle safety bill from the county sheriff who oversees Boulder, a platinum-level Bicycle Friendly Community.

Boulder County Sheriff Joe Pelle voiced his concerns about the so-called Bicycle Safety Bill that passed the Colorado legislature. It requires that motorists give bicyclists 3 feet of space when passing, and allows bicyclists to ride two-abreast as long as they don't impede traffic.

He said there's nothing to stop bicyclists from riding two abreast down the middle of mountainous roads. There's also no requirement that bicycles use shoulders on busy highways.

Republican Senator Greg Brophy, the bill's sponsor, said:

“It goes to show we need to educate law-enforcement officers along the lines of what the cycling statutes say and don't say.”

As for riding down the middle of a busy highway, advocates said bicyclists know how to use common sense.

Of course the good  news in this is that, whenever the governor signs the bill, Colorado will be the newest state to require that motorists give 3-feet when passing bicyclists.

More at the Daily Camera: “Boulder sheriff decries bicycle safety bill approval”

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2009/04/29/quote-bicycle-fear-and-loathing-from-boulder-sheriff/

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