Romance brings bicycle tour to a close in Langtry, Texas

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When I first learned from Robert Hollandsworth that he was cutting short his bicycle tour because of physical and mechanical problems, I probably should have guessed that there was more to it than he initially let on.

Yes, he did suffer mechanical problems during the first weeks of his tour that started in Houston around New Year's Day. And yes, the 600-plus miles of bicycling stressed his body that was accustomed to decades of a sedentary lifestyle.

But what really brought his Cycle for Life Tour to an end was one of the female residents of Langtry, Texas, who offered Hollandsworth a bowl of soup.


Anyone familiar with The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean — a western starring Paul Newman — will know that Langtry was the home of the saloon owner and self-appointed judge in the late 1800s. He called himself the law west of the Pecos.

The town on the Rio Grande currently houses the Judge Roy Bean Visitor's Center and adjoining Jersey Lilly Saloon and Courtroom.

The population declined to about 3 dozen people after the railroad offices moved and the highway relocated. The visitor's center drew tourism and the 1990 census put the population at 145,  although Hollandsworth says there are actually about 18 people who live there now.


Hollandsworth arrived in the desert town of Langtry and stopped at the visitor's center to use the Wi-Fi to catch up on emails and his website, Cycle for Life Tour. He then rode his bike, Ol' Dan, down to the Rio Grande for some sightseeing and returned to his campsite at the community center.

Here's what he said in an email about a week ago:

“Sitting on the steps of the ancient schoolhouse in Langtry near where I was camped, I was offered a meal of broth and vegetables by a lovely resident of Langtry that first night, January 30…. exactly one month from when I departed Houston on this cycle tour. 

“Each day for the next 10 days my new friend came by with food and encouragement… the spark of interest was immediate for us both… and incredibly, in a tiny town of only 18 people out in the desert next to the Rio Grande, love was born.  I could not have orchestrated this if I had to.  She and I have a wonderful future in store as we treasure each priceless moment that we are given.”

It doesn't end there. He posted this on a bike touring listserve:

“Tonight she said “yes”… and we are looking forward to spending the rest of our lives together.”


People have lots of different reasons for taking to the road on a bicycle. Maybe they're looking for adventure and maybe they seek to broaden their experiences or see the land at a slower pace.

I doubt if anyone sets out to find romance and a lifelong companion. That makes Hollandsworth a unique and very lucky bike traveler.

Here's the original story about Hollandsworth taking off on his bicycle tour: “Starting a new life by bicycle on New Year's Day.”

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