Bike gear prizes in lights-on-bicycle photo contest

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Let me throw a little light on a photography contest that came my way.

Light-maker Princeton Tec is sponsoring a “Got Lights on Bike” photo contest that features images of anything involving lights on a bicycle.

All you have to do is upload a picture of a bicycle with lights to Princeton Tec's photo contest page. Judges will choose three winners in each of five categories after the contest deadline of April 12.

Winning photographers will be rewarded with bike gear from Crumpler, Ergon, Swobo, Princeton Tec and Urban Velo. Winner of the Best Overall Photo gets a Lager singlespeed from SE Bikes.

The categories are Best Overall Lights on Bikes, Best Action, Best Lifestyle, Most Dramatic and Most Creative.

You'll have to join the group pool at the photo contest page to post your pictures; be sure to include your email address and category.

Here are the Princeton Tec photo contest rules.

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