Latest peloton theft victim — Dave Zabriskie

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March 6, 2009, update: Two suspects arrested in Zabriskie home burglary

While Dave Zabriskie was earning a second-place finish at the Amgen Tour of California last week, person or persons unknown were helping themselves to belongings in Zabriskie's Salt Lake City home.

The report comes a little more than a week after Lance Armstrong announced to world via Twitter that his time trial bicycle had been stolen after the prologue in Sacramento.

That one-of-a-kind bicycle was eventually recovered. Zabriskie announced his much-greater loss to Twitter as well:

“My house was broken into while at TOC. They took everything, a lot of bikes,cars, and you name it they got it….

“If anyone out there sees anything you think might be mine, let me know. Thanks…DZ”

According to a story in the Salt Lake City Tribune, among the items taken were a ring from the Beijing Olympics and his Olympic time trial bike. All 12 bicycles taken from the home were valued at $100,000.

The burglar gained entry through a broken window. Among other items taken, according to the newspaper:

“Thieves also took seven statues of Marvel comics characters from Zabriskie's home. Zabriskie owned two- to three-foot statues of figurines including “Hellboy” pistol; “Ash” Army of Darkness; “Tomb Raider” Lara Croft; “The Punisher; “Alien”; “Ironman” and a “Gears of War” character. The statues are valued at $11,000…”

We certainly hope Zabriskie recovers all of these possessions, especially the Olympic memorabilia and other personal items. Total value was set at $158,000, not including the two cars, a 2008 Subaru Outback and 2006 Toyota Scion.

The Deseret News has the following rundown of some of the items taken:

A black 2008 Subaru Outback, Utah plate A189NC

A black 2006 Toyota Scion, Utah plate 094VWM

A Sony 52-inch flat-screen TV

A Bose speaker/receiver system worth an estimated $15,000

Video game systems

Thirteen bicycles, including an Olympic time trial bike

Laptops and a hard drive.

You can help by notifying police if you see anything on eBay, Craigslist, and other usual places. Call investigators at 801-799-3000, or the Tips for Cash line at 801-799-INFO (4636).

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